Collection: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a staple that everyone wants in their garden, as store-bought tomatoes simply don't compare! We carry 35+ varieties, including cherry tomatoes, heirlooms, beefsteaks, green tomatoes, and any other kind you might want to try in your garden, farm, or homestead.

From selecting the finest non-GMO seeds to employing organic farming practices, every step is taken to promote the well-being of the plants. They are grown in compost-based mixtures, with a wide range of prebiotics and inoculants applied, and are hardened off before sale. This care has developed a cult following for these tomato plants, with customers reporting that they establish quickly, grow faster, and yield more.

Easy Care for Bountiful Tomatoes

Caring for your tomato plant is straightforward and rewarding, suitable for both seasoned gardeners and novices. To ensure success, make sure your plant receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily and water it regularly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. It's important to space your tomatoes about 2 feet apart to allow for adequate air circulation and growth. Support your growing plant with stakes or cages to encourage vertical growth and healthy fruiting. Mulching with grass clippings or landscape fabric is recommended for the best results. Detailed care guides are available when you pick up your plants.